Building SQL QueriesDocumentation

MySQL Node.js Connection Pool

A ConnectionPool represents a set of automatically managed physical connections to a database. All the methods on Connection are duplicated here for convenience, but they will each ultimately allocate a connection from the pool and then call the relevant method on that connection.

ConnectionPool.task<T>(fn: (db: Connection) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>

Acquires a connection from the pool. If the pool is 'full' and all connections are currently checked out, this will wait in a FIFO queue until a connection becomes available by it being released back to the pool.

Once a connetion has been acquired, fn is called with that connection.

When fn returns, the connection is returned to the pool.

const result = await db.task(async (db) => {
  const resultA = await db.query(sql`SELECT 1 + 1 AS a`);
  const resultB = await db.query(sql`SELECT 1 + 1 AS b`);
  return resultA[0].a + resultB[0].b;
// => 4

N.B. this is not a transaction. If later statements fail, the earlier queries will already have taken effect. You can manulaly execute BEGIN and COMMIT/ROLLBACK SQL on the connection though, to impelement the transaction yourself.

ConnectionPool.tx(fn, options?): Promise<T>

Acquires a connection from the pool (see ConnectionPool.task) and then executes the callback fn within a transaction on that connection.

A transaction wraps a regular task with 3 additional queries:

  1. it executes BEGIN just before invoking the callback function

  2. it executes ROLLBACK, if the callback throws an error or returns a rejected promise

  3. it executes COMMIT, if the callback does throw any error and does not return a rejected promise

const result = await db.tx(async (db) => {
  const resultA = await db.query(sql`SELECT 1 + 1 AS a`);
  const resultB = await db.query(sql`SELECT 1 + 1 AS b`);
  return resultA[0].a + resultB[0].b;
// => 4


readOnlybooleanSets transaction access mode
withConsistentSnapshotbooleanCauses readonly transactions to acquire a snapshot before running

ConnectionPool.dispose(): Promise<void>

Dispose the connection pool. Once this is called, any subsequent queries will fail.

ConnectionPool.query(SQLQuery | SQLQuery[]): Promise<any[]>

This is a shorthand for getting a connection, and then calling .query on the connection. See Connection.query for details.

ConnectionPool.queryStream(SQLQuery): AsyncIterable<any>

This is a shorthand for getting a connection, and then calling .queryStream on the connection. See Connection.queryStream for details.

ConnectionPool.queryNodeStream(SQLQuery): ReadableStream

This is a shorthand for getting a connection, and then calling .queryNodeStream on the connection. See Connection.queryNodeStream for details.
