Building SQL QueriesDocumentation

Maintaining a Postgres schema using migrations

The @databases/pg-migrations CLI helps you maintain your database schema.


You can install it globally

yarn global add @databases/pg-migrations

or locally

yarn add -D @databases/pg-migrations

If you install it locally, you will need to use yarn pg-migrations instead of just pg-migrations when running commands, but it makes it easier to make sure everyone on your team is on the same version.


Create a directory for your migrations. In that directory, create a file called: 0001-initial-migration.sql

  • You can use any number, then a - and then any name.

  • You can write migrations in SQL (with a .sql extension) or TypeScript (with a .ts extension)

  • Migrations are run in numerical order. You can use sequential integers, or if you want to reduce the risk of collisions with multiple team members creating migrations, you could use a timestamp.

To run the migrations, run:

pg-migrations apply --directory my-migrations-directory

This will apply any pending migrations.


  • --database - The connection string for your database

  • --directory - The folder containing your migrations

  • --dry-run - Check for inconsistencies and pending migrations without actually applying them

  • --help - Print detailed usage info

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