Building SQL QueriesDocumentation

Expo / WebSQL

The @databases/websql and @databases/expo libraries provides a safe and convenient API for querying WebSQL/Expo/SQLite databases in node.js.

  • @databases/websql - uses WebSQL in the browser, and SQLite in node.js

  • @databases/expo - uses Expo's WebSQL APIs, but otherwise provides the exact same API as @databases/websql


import connect, {sql} from '@databases/websql';

const db = connect();

db.query(sql`SELECT * FROM users;`).then(
  (results) => console.log(results),
  (err) => console.error(err),

For details on how to build queries, see Building SQL Queries



Create a Database connection for a given database. You should only create one connection per database for your entire applicaiton. Normally this means having one module that creates and exports the connection pool.

It is generally a good idea to combine multiple queries into a transaction using Database.tx since all queries are implicitly wrapped in a transaction anyway.


In memory node.js:

import connect from '@databases/websql';
const db = connect();

File system node.js:

import connect from '@databases/websql';
const db = connect(FILE_NAME);

N.B. We provide the WebSQL implementation for node.js primarily for testing/compatibility with Expo apps. It is generally better to directly use SQLite, which better designed APIs, unless you specifically need to match the behavior of Expo/WebSQL.


import connect from '@databases/websql';
const db = connect(NAME, OPTIONS);

export {sql};
export const IN_MEMORY = ':memory:';
export interface Options {
  version?: string;
  displayName?: string;
  estimatedSize?: number;
export default function connect(
  name: string = IN_MEMORY,
  options: Options = {},

On node.js the options are ignored. On the web you can supply the following options:


N.B. WebSQL is not well supported in modern browsers, and we do not polyfill it. You should use IndexDB instead where possible.


import connect from '@databases/expo';

const db = connect(NAME);

The expo connect function just takes the name of the database you would like to connect to as the only parameter, and returns a database connection.

Database.query(SQLQuery, options?): Promise<any[]>

Run an SQL Query and get a promise for an array of results. If your query does not update any records, you can pass {readOnly: true} as the options so that only a read lock is taken out for the transaction.

Database.tx(fn, options?): Promise<T>

Executes a callback function as a transaction.

const result = await db.tx(function* (transaction) {
  const resultA = yield transaction.query(sql`SELECT 1 + 1 AS a`);
  const resultB = yield transaction.query(sql`SELECT 1 + 1 AS b`);
  return resultA[0].a + resultB[0].b;
// => 4

N.B. the function passed to db.tx must be a generator function that only yields the results of calls to transaction.query. Calls to transaction.query do not return Promise objects, instead they return QueryTasks. This is because a design flaw in WebSQL that makes it difficult to use Promises.

This means you cannot perform any async operations whithin a transaction, other than querying the database.

If your transaction does not update any records, you can pass {readOnly: true} as the options so that only a read lock is taken out for the transaction.
